Tuesday, 23 March 2021

Liver ( Ayurvedic Part, Introduction And Development)


A)     Avayava:It Is Matruj Avayav      Su.Sha. 3/43

B)     Utpatti:

gaBa-sya yakRtPlaIhanaaO SaaoiNatjaaOlSu. Sha. S 4/24

Its utpatti occurs from Shonit ( Blood)

C)      Srotas:

r@tvaho vdo tyaaomaU-laM yakRtPlaIhanaaO r@tvaaihnyaSca Qamanya : l  Su. Sha. 9/16

It is Moolsthan of Raktavaha srotas.

D)     Ashaya: It is one of the Ashaya.

E)      Koshtanga: Yakrut is one of the Koshtanga among Panchdash Koshtangas


·        Liver is a large, solid gland situated in right upper quadrant of abdominal cavity.

·        Colour: Reddish brown ( In living subjects)

·        It is largest gland, soft in consistency & very friable.

·        Wt. – 1600gm. In males, 1300gm in females.

·        It secretes bile &performs various other metabolic functions.


Liver is a part of:-

·        Digestive system ( accessory  )(on the basis of development & bile)

·        Reticular endothelial system.


Right hypochondrium, epigastrium, and left hypochondrium up toleft lateral line.

Most of liver covered by ribs &costal cartilages except epigastrium.


Another name- Liver is also called ‘Hepar’



·        Liver developes from an endodermal bud that arises from the ventral aspect of the foregut (junction between foregut & midgut). Again this bud divide into a large cranial part called pars hepatic & smaller caudal port called pars cystica.

Pars hepatic divides into Right and left parts, each of which forms one lobe of the