Monday, 9 December 2019

Introduction of Thorax and Abdomen/////////

For descriptive purpose, the human body is divided into head, neck, trunk and limbs. The trunk is divided by the diaphragm into an upper part called the thorax, and the lower part is called the abdomen.
THE SKELETON OF THE THORAX (thoracic cage).-  It is an osseocartilaginous, elastic cage.
  1.  Formation:-      Anteriorly-  by the sternum.                                                                                                               Posteriorly- by the 12 thoracic vertebrae and intervertebral discs.                                                       one each side- by 12 ribs with their cartilage.
2.      THE SUPERIOR APERTURE(INLET)OF THE THORAX:The narrow upper end of the thorax, which is continuous with the neck ,is called the inlet of the thorax.
     3. DIAPHRAGM OF THE INLET OF THE LIVER:  The diaphragm is in two halves, right and left. Each half is also known as Sibson’s fascia or supra pleural membrane. The membrane is triangular in shape. Its apex is attached to the tip of the transverse process of C7 vertebra and base to the inner border of 1st rib.
BOUNDARIES:-   Anteriorly- upper border of manubrium sterni .                                                         Posteriorly – superior surface of body of 1st thoracic vertebra.                                                                         On each side- 1st rib with its costal cartilage.
4. INFERIOR APERTURE (OUTLET) OF THORAX: It is the broad end of the thorax which surrounds the upper part of the abdominal cavity, but is separated from it by the diaphragm.
BOUNDARIES: Anteriorly-    Infra sternal angle .                                                                                      Posteriorly- inferior surface of the body of the 12th thoracic vertebra.                                                             On each side- coastal margin formed (7, 8,9,10) and 11th to 12th ribs.
DIAPHRAGM OF THE OUTLET OF THORAX:-The outlet is closed by a large musculotendinous partition, called the diaphragm-which separates the thorax from the abdomen .                           Structure passing through the inlet:
§  Trachea, oesophagus, apices of the lungs.
§  Brachiocephalic artery, left common carotid artery and subclavian artery, right and left brachiocephalic veins.
§  Right phrenic nerve, right and left vagus nerve.                                                                            Structure passing through the outlet: Large openings: in the diaphragm.
§  Aortic openings: It transmits 1. The aorta, 2. The thoracic duct,(level-12th thoracic vertebra).
§  The oesophageal openings: It transmits 1.oesophagus 2. The vagus nerve (level-10th thoracic vertebra).
§  The vena caval opening: It transmits 1. Inferior vena cava, 2. Branches of right phrenic nerve (level- 8th thoracic vertebra).
It is the lower part of the trunk and lies below the diaphragm. It is divided by the plane of the pelvic inlet into a larger upper parts, the abdomen proper and the smaller lower part the true (lesser)pelvis.
1.      In the anterior median plane the abdominal wall extends from xiphoid process to the pubic symphysis.
2.      Superolateral margins of anterior abdominal wall are formed by right and left coastal margins.
3.      The iliac crest forms the lower limit of the abdominal wall at the side.
4.      Inguinal ligament extends from the anterior superior iliac spine to pubic tubercle. It is placed at the junction of the anterior abdominal wall with the front of the thigh.
5.      Transpyloric plane is an imaginary transverse plane, it passes through the tips of the 9th coastal cartilage, and posteriorly through the lower part of the body of the 1st lumber vertebra.

For the purpose of describing the location of viscera, the abdomen is divided into nine regions by imaginary planes, two horizontal and two vertical.
1.      Transpyloric plane:- passes midway between the suprasternal notch and the pubic symphysis. Anteriorly it passes through the tips of 9th coastal cartilages and Posteriorly through the body of vertebra L1.(lower)
2.      Trans tubercular plane:- passes through the tubercles of the iliac crest and body of vertebra L5 (upper) .
3.      Right and left lateral planes:- passes through the mid inguinal point and crosses the tip of the 9th coastal cartilage.
NINE REGION:- epigastric , umbilical, hypogastric, right and left hypochondriac, right and left lumbar (lateral) and right and left iliac(Inguinal).
(Median regions are….. Rt. & Lt. regions are……..)